Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009
You mean I don't have to kill myself?
You are a hero! Personally I wouldn't be doing so much distance this close to a swim. You've done plenty and will be fine on the day. Rest now, eat lots to get fully fuelled for your swim.
Give your body time to rest and repair. You are so strong mentally and physically, that you'll do what's required on the day, but you have to start the swim fresh and injury-free.
You really are one of my heroes. I have never met anyone with such a sunny personality and someone that smiles as much as you. Belive in yourself like we do; don't best yourself up before the swim believing it's the only way.
With all my love
PS Hug hug hug
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Friends from "down unda"!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
8 hour swim

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Falling into place...
Hi Lynn,
This message is to confirm that David Clark has been assigned as your primary observer, and Beth Weber as your assistant observer for your Catalina Channel swim scheduled for Tuesday, October 6 – Wednesday, October 7 on the Outrider. As time and logistics permit, Beth can probably assist with paddling as well, if needed.
Please advise David and Beth as to when Outrider is scheduled to leave the dock in San Pedro. Best of luck to you with your training! We’ve had a highly successful year so far this year, so the Channel Gods are smiling down upon us! On behalf of the Catalina Channel Swimming Federation, we wish you the best of luck with your upcoming solo swim!
Paula Selby
Support - Catalina Channel Swimming Federation
David was the Observer on Chris Robert's swim when I kayaked. I got shoved out into the dark roiling void saying "I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared..." He didn't think I would last 15 minutes and I went on to pull through several hours into a beautiful sunrise (though the conditions were still pretty crappy).
So David is among one of the more experienced CCSF observers and teaches the observer kayaker class. I feel honored to have him as my observer.
Friday, September 18, 2009
OMG...why am I doing this again?
it if were easy. And we all have them.
2) Don't worry that you're tired all the time that you are in
training - you're training to swim the Channel for god's sake!
3) On the day don't get overwhelmed. Don't think "Oh my god, I'm
going to be swimming for 14 hours". Instead think, "Hey it will all
be over this time tomorrow!" (doesn't count if you're doing a
4) Don't wear a watch during your swim. Never ask how far you've
swum/how far you have to go. It doesn't make any difference and the
first half of your swim may have no bearing on the second half
5) Keep your feeds as short as possible
6) When you get close to Palos Verde don't keep looking at the coast - it
doesn't get any closer for hours and you'll just get frustrated
7) Keep telling your crew how you are - they probably won't ask you,
but keep telling them (briefly) anyway.
8) Many people are ill and still keep swimming - if you are sick,
don't panic. You can keep swimming. Adrenalin is an amazing thing.
9) When you are getting really tired and miserable, think "Is there
any reason that I can't keep going?" If the answer is no, then KEEP
10) Remember that the only bit worth swimming is the last bit!
- and remember, a feed IS JUST A FEED as Sal says - it is NOT a rest!
- just keep moving your arms and legs - until you get to the other side....
- and to quote a very good friend of ours, Dennis from Connecticut , USA -
" Start steady - and taper off at the end"!
- and to quote good old Charlie
"don't peak too early!!"
Two nights, two night swims!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Getting back up to speed?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Hurts to breathe, Hurts to swim
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A herd a flock a pod...

Thursday (9-17) AND Friday (9-18) nights!!!
Main Beach Life Guard Tower. If we go south there are no rocks to worry about.
Sunset is around 7pm, so meet at 7:30pm