So I had friends say "why not 365 for the days in a year"...because that is not constant! (leap years?)
Degrees in a circle feels solid.
I showed up to Nova workout this morning and said I only have 14,250 yards to go and Mike said...okay over there. 14,000 yards. READY, GO! He was just kidding but we got a good pyramid set in with 4500 and I did a 50 warm down. I left to get FOOD and then hit the 24 hour fitness at Ocean Ranch.
I split the lane circle swimming with a good swimmer and an older aqua-robics lady. It worked out suprisingly well and I chatted with the swimmer a bit in the middle. The aqua-robics lady, her mom...was scheduled to have heart surgery later this week. We chatted about how agressive and mean non-swimmers who take up swimming can be. It was a pleasant interlude. The last few thousand yards were tough and the sun felt harsh. My skin really hurts.
I was happy to finish it out though and did a "gratitude 100 IM" to the gods at the end.
I had a message when I was done from Jay Sagen at Coastline Community College. I will be in an art show in March and he needed me to get my work over there. Good thing it was a short day! An image of my work will be on the mailer too! Cool!
Marching on!