We were hoping to do a 10k (6.2 miles) but the conditions were pretty rough. Today's swim had it all, and was truly a "roughwater swim" in every aspect. Some of the challenges:
1. Swimming against the current. We went north to south & the current was south to north.
2. A slight upwelling resulting in water a little colder (64 degrees) than we expected.
3. Wind chop. Wind out of the south resulted in a pretty bumpy swim. It was worse at the end - kinda like swimming in a washing machine.
4. Big waves. The predicted large surf was beginning to roll in. Made the beach exit a little more exciting.
I started shivering after we got out and decided to let it go for today...a little disappointed. I spoke with Forrest Nelson (a channel swimmer and member of CCSF) about my upcoming swim and he suggested to write down my 3 biggest fears (and think of ways to address those fears) and 3 biggest confidences every week and note that it will change every week. So...
1. Hypothermia - I don't think I can do a whole swim in 63F water. I am hoping for 67+, I would have to put on some weight to handle the temp.
2. Giving up - I am afraid of giving up before I am truly spent
3. Motion Sickness - I usually don't get sick in the water but I know it can happen. I remember some swimmers taking Dramaine Lite before the start of their swims. I wonder if that can hamper performance.
1. February Fitness Challenge - I swam 37,000 yards February 1st of this year. It was over three workouts in three different pools and not in the ocean but still...21 miles.
2. I've been doing a lot of training swims by myself so the critters don't scare me as much.
3. I don't know.
It was a pretty good swim overall today though. I hung with Brad Arshat and Ray Meltvedt. Ray is the only one who went back to do the double. I've asked both Brad and Ray to be escort swimmers on my swim too.
OMG...I really am going to do this!
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